Calls to action

Whether you're trying to motivate readers to sign up for an app trial or click through to a blog post, the call to action (CTA) is key. Almost all marketing content should include thoughtfully-crafted CTAs designed to drive—you guessed it—action.💥

Most often, CTAs take the form of buttons. Big buttons, small buttons, red buttons, blue buttons, ghost buttons, hover buttons—we'll leave the button styling to the designers, but here are a couple guidelines for the copy that goes on those buttons.

  • Language should be clear and specific. Strong command verbs are preferred.

    • Log in

    • Sign up

    • Start trial

    • Get help

  • Use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter and proper nouns).

    • See examples above.

  • Focus on the benefit.

    • Start increasing sales

    • Boost signups

  • Unless you have a good reason not to, adhere to the conventions laid out in Language and Grammar.

    • Here's a good reason not to: Spelling out numbers takes up a lot of space. It's okay to use figures for numbers less than 10 in a CTA. Same goes for space-saving ampersands.

Last updated