According to Business Insider, "A competent use of uppercase and lowercase communicates experience, expertise and intelligence."
To that we say: lol (and definitely not LOL).
We have a few rules for capitalization here at Pixel Union. It's important to apply them correctly and consistently. You know, to show off our intelligence and stuff.
Here's what you need to know:
We almost always use sentence case (only the first letter of the sentence or phrase capitalized, along with any proper nouns). That includes article titles, email subject lines, app settings headers, and most other headings and subheadings:
The perfect holiday email marketing strategy
How to change your Pixelpop plan and payment details
Customize your theme
Title case (all principal words capitalized) is reserved for page titles on our website and navigation items in menus:
Shopify Themes
Contact Us
Capitalize job titles only in email signatures or if it precedes someone's name.
Scott Mahr, Lead Developer
Lead Developer Scott Mahr
Scott Mahr is a lead developer at Pixel Union
Use all lowercase when writing email addresses or URLs:
Capitalize the first letter after a colon if it begins a complete sentence.
The complaints have been pouring in for days: It's time to fix this app.
Do NOT capitalize the first letter after a colon when introducing a list:
We're hiring a ton of positions right now: front-end developer, back-end developer, side-end developer, all-around-and-upside-down developer...
Capitalize the names of all holidays and pseudo-holidays:
Christmas, Mother's Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday
Do NOT capitalize random letters in the middle of a sentence (unless you're capitalizing ALL LETTERS for some HILARIOUS effect). Here are some words we are vehemently against capitalizing (for more, check out our Word list):
Last updated